Basic Gameplay You are a ship in a universe full of projectiles and enemies and your goal is to kill the enemy ships. You can move your ship using the arrow pad (touchscreen) or arrow keys (keyboard) and you can shoot with the circle ◉ button (touchscreen) or the space key (keyboard). You score points for the time you survive and for the number of ships you kill. You get 10 points per second, 1111 points for killing an enemy ship and 11111 points for killing a boss ship.
Space Junk
Space junk (or projectiles) are little grey squares that appear quite frequently during the game. Avoid space junk, or you will die!
Coins are little gold squares the same size and shape as space junk. A coin is left behind after each ship you kill and you can collect it by passing over it. With coins, you can purchase new ships in "My Ships". The coin from a normal enemy ship is worth $50 and the coin from a boss is worth $2000 in-game currency!
Enemy Ships
Enemy ships are other ships that spawn randomly around you. They shoot red bullets either up or down and move in a fixed direction and speed. Dodge their bullets or you will die!
Boss ships are much larger and more deadly than enemy ships, but they are also much more rare. They shoot in all four directions, so "[if] you see [a boss], you do what we do. Run." - Cypher, The Matrix.
Blue - Common
The Blue is the default ship. It shoots only upwards.
Red - Common
Price: $500
The Red has the same properties as the Blue.
Monohull - Common
Price: $1500
The Monohull, as its name suggests, has only one hull. The Monohull has the same properties as the Blue.
The Beast - Rare
Price: $3000
The Beast is the only green ship. The Beast has the same properties as the Blue.
Purple - Rare
Price: $4000
The Purple is one of two purple ships and the only dual hull ship to have a cockpit near the back. The Purple has the same properties as the Blue.
The Light - Rare
Price: $7000
The Light is the only white ship and the only ship to have gold on it. The Light has the same properties as the Blue.
Pure Speed - Legendary
Price: $15000
The Pure Speed is the fastest ship in the game, 67% faster than the blue. It also shoots the fastest bullets. The Pure Speed is one of the best ships for collecting coins because it moves so quickly. It's also really good for stunts, you can dodge almost anything.
Double Duty - Legendary
Price: $30000
The Double Duty shoots two parallel streams upwards, making it much easier to kill ships from below.
The Legend - Legendary
Price: $100000
The Legend shoots two parallel streams upwards and one stream downwards, making it possible to kill ships from above.
Boss Destroyer - Legendary
Price: $250000
The Boss Destroyer shoots two parallel streams in all four directions! The Boss Destroyer is the slowest ship in the game, 33% slower than the blue. Its low speed makes it more difficult to dodge bullets, but its offence makes up for it.
Angler - Ludicrous
Price: $750000
Added in: 3.1
The Angler shoots two diagonal streams and one upward stream. It may not shoot as many bullets as the Boss Destroyer, but it can take out bosses from their weak spot diagonally. The Angler is the only ship to shoot orange bullets.